Serious Offenses

Violations of State and Federal Law which constitute a felony or that are criminal in nature, serious offenses which endanger persons or property or which present a serious threat to the peace and safety of an individual or individuals, or damage to University property, will be immediately referred to the President, Associate Vice President of Student Success and Dean of Students with the recommended penalty(ies) of Administrative Withdrawal, Suspension from Classes, Expulsion, and/or Notification of Proper State or Local Authorities. In these offenses, as well as any other, the University reserves the right to exercise the option of involving local law enforcement agencies in the investigation.

The President, Associate Vice President of Student Success and Dean of Students may require a student to temporarily leave the campus if the activities or conduct are deemed to be disruptive or pose a threat or danger to the University community. Such threats include, but are not limited to, behavior that may be disruptive to the educational process of the University, suicide attempt(s), threat or incident of self-injury, interference with the rights of others, a danger to the health, safety, property or well-being of the University or others, or a violation of civil or criminal law, including but not limited to, felony charges of such magnitude as to reflect negatively on the University. The Associate Vice President of Student Success and Dean of Students will speak to the faculty and when appropriate of fairness to all students involved, and in cooperation with each instructor, the students may be allowed to complete assignments and submit their coursework through Blackboard or some other means.

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