Care of Room and Housing Facilities

  1. Residence hall access doors are to be locked at all times. No student or guest is permitted to prop open any building or floor door.
  2. Posters, pictures, and other decorative objects (except dartboards and LED strip lights) may be attached to interior surfaces of rooms with the understanding that students will be financially responsible for resulting damages. Permanent and semi-permanent (ex. paint, wallpaper, etc.) alterations to walls, furniture, and other surfaces are prohibited.
  3. Any objects stacked or otherwise fashioned as barriers or borders within a bedroom or common room are not permitted.
  4. Students are not allowed to tamper with window mechanisms, open windows, or remove screens.
  5. Anything in or on windows that can be seen outside the building is not permitted in residence hall windows/sills.
  6. Throwing, bouncing, or kicking any object in or from a window, ledge, roof, stairwell, balcony, hallway, or other indoor common area is prohibited.
  7. Students are prohibited from access to and entry in unauthorized areas on University property. The prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:
    • Accessing roofs of University buildings, fire escapes, ledges, balconies, and other areas that are designated closed.
    • Breaking into or entering an office, residence hall building/room, meeting space, or other University facility without authorization or permission of the rightful occupants.
  8. Students are required to respect the property of others and Limestone University. The prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:  
    • Misusing, possessing, or stealing property belonging to others or Limestone University.
    • Defacing or damaging property belonging to others or Limestone University.
    • Riding bicycles or using skates, skateboards, or other personal transportation devices in University buildings, breezeways, hallways, and balconies.
  9. Apartment, suite, and room trash must be disposed of appropriately in designated receptacles (see below). Room trash improperly disposed of in community area trash receptacles (i.e., pod, hallway, or laundry room trash receptacles) will result in community fines.
Location Trash Containers
Ball Residence Hall Trash cans located outside front entrance
Brown Residence Hall Dumpster located in the parking lot
Cedars Apartments Dumpster located between Cedars and Walton Ridge
Ebert Residence Hall Trash cans located outside
Greer Residence Hall Trash cans located outside front of the building
Eunice Ford Residence Hall Trash cans located outside the back entrance
Fort Residence Hall Trash cans located outside under stairwells
Griffith Apartments Trash cans located behind apartments
Walton Ridge Apartments Dumpster located between Walton Ridge and Cedars


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