Class Attendance and Tardiness

Day Campus

Students are expected to attend all classes. When a student’s absences exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of scheduled class periods in the semester or session, the student may be assigned a grade of F at the end of the class.

Hybrid Classes Attendance Policy: “Students are expected to attend all classes. Attendance will be taken on both face-to-face meeting days and online days. The mode of contact for online days is determined by the instructor. It could be an email, assignment, discussion, etc. When a student's absences exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of scheduled class periods in the semester or term, the student may be assigned a grade of F at the end of the class.”

Online Campus

Students are expected to communicate with the professor frequently. In the Online Program, students are required to contact their instructor once a week. That mode of contact is determined by the instructor. It could be an email, assignments discussion, etc. If after two weeks a student fails to have any activity in a course, the student may be assigned a grade of F at the end of the course

Military Students

Limestone will excuse students from attending classes or engaging in other mandatory activities, including tests or examinations, in order for students to fulfill their military obligations. This exception applies to any student required to attend or participate in military service, duty, training, or disaster relief efforts, and applies without distinction to a student's status as a member of the active component, reserve component, or National Guard.

Students whose absences are excused may not be penalized for their absence and must be allowed to complete all missed assignments or take missed tests or examinations within a reasonable time of their return. Limestone shall determine what constitutes a reasonable time to make up the assignments, tests, or examinations missed by reason of military service on a case by case basis, taking into account the individual student's schedule and academic responsibilities.

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Last modified
04/08/2022 - 13:05