Posting Policy

“Official Bulletin Boards” are located in the Hamrick Lounge, Montgomery Hall, and residence halls. Bulletin boards are an important means of communication among the members of the Limestone University community. All posters, flyers, banners, and announcements in designated posting areas must be pre-approved by the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success or a designated member of the Student Success team.  If material is displayed that was not approved will be removed.

All flyers, printed materials, posters, and announcements must be posted on designated “official bulletin boards.” (This does not include departments posting on their department bulletin board or in designated posting areas.)  If you wish to have your approved materials displayed on the digital signage around campus, please indicate that at the time of approval.

Individuals are encouraged to use the bulletin boards in a responsible manner. Posted materials shall be of good quality, clean, and may not in any way discriminate, harass, or infringe on anyone’s rights in accordance with University policies. Any legal liability or damage resulting from the posting will be the sole responsibility of the person, organization, or group sponsoring the posted material.

Posted materials must be in compliance with the following policies and regulations of Limestone University:

  1. Printed materials must be pre-approved by submitting two originals for review.
  2. To be approved, all printed materials must have a contact name, email, and phone number on the front of the flyer.
  3. If approved, materials are stamped and dated, after which, additional photocopies may be made. All photocopies must have the approving stamp and date to be valid.
  4. Printed materials must be no larger than 8½ x 11 inches.
  5. Postings for off-campus employment opportunities require the approval of the Director of Career and Professional Development. Please include the rate of pay and approximate number of hours per week.
  6. Posting on vehicles in University parking lots is prohibited.
  7. Bulletin boards assigned to a specific department or organization may be used only with its permission, even if the flyer has been approved for posting by Student Success.
  8. All advertising and publicity for both on and off-campus events must conform to state and local laws and the policies of the University, and include the name of the sponsoring organization. Publicity is not allowed for off-campus events that do not conform to University policy, or that promote the consumption of alcohol. It is the responsibility of the sponsors of an event to ensure that advertising conforms to these guidelines.

If you wish to have your printed materials displayed on the digital signage all over campus, please indicate at the time of approval.

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