Student Organization Chartering Process

Chartering Process: Qualifications  

Who can be considered a Student Organization? Limestone has five distinct categories under Student Involvement.

  • Academic Honor Societies
  • Academic Organizations
  • Performance Organizations
  • Faith-Based Community Organizations
  • Student Organizations.  

Student Organizations are a group of Limestone students with a common interest and are formally recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA), Director of Student Activities, and Limestone University. Student Organizations are created by students, for students, and managed by students.  

The other groups are great ways to get involved!  Any questions or clarifications please contact the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success, Kelly Tillinghast at


Chartering Process: How To  

Step 1: You want to start at club or organization not listed.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with what we have to offer, ask yourself if there is something you wish Limestone had. 

Step 2: Find your people! 

SGA requires that any potential Student Organizations have at least five interested students to start the chartering process and be considered for approval. In addition to finding at least five interested students, you must find a faculty/staff advisor for the organization.  

Step 3: Goals and Missions  

Talk with your friends and advisor to figure out the purpose of this organization by putting in writing the need for the club or organization, how you will recruit, and submit to the SGA for approval.   

Step 4: Complete a Petition Packet  

To be an official Student Organization, you must have official documentation! SGA requires all potential new student organizations to turn in a New Student Organization form to the Associate Vice President of Student Success and Dean of Students. Once the form has been received, the contact person on the application will be notified with further instructions.

An Application Packet includes the following documents. Please note that all documents within the packet must be completed before turning them in to the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success.  

  • Constitution  
  • By-Laws (if deemed necessary) 
  • Membership Roster  
  • Officer List 
  • Faculty/Staff Advisor Agreement  
  • Proposed Calendar of Events & Budget  

If you are unsure if you need a set of By-Laws, please contact the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success. If your organization does not wish to be a funded organization, you do not have to create a budget request. However, you will still need to submit a Calendar of Events. The calendar of events should include campus-wide events, membership meetings, open meetings, and or executive cabinet meetings. To schedule meeting and events contact the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success.

Access to the Application can be found here New Student Organization form.  

Step 5: Present to SGA  

Once you submit your Application Packet, SGA will review your materials. Once done, someone on the Executive Cabinet will contact you to schedule a time to meet with SGA. During this meeting, SGA will want to hear from you directly about why you want to add this organization to our campus and the benefits it would be able to provide for the Limestone Community. You will be notified if your organization is approved or not. If SGA approves the organization, the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success will be notified.

Step 6: Approved!  

Once the Director of Student Activities is notified of the organization, they will welcome your new organization, and you can have official meetings and host events!

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